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Student Possessions Insurance - Insuring The Contents Of Your Room


In the UK each September, 350,000 new students embark off to university to begin a university career. The latest research shows that these same students will graduate three years later with average debts of £14,000.

Students know keeping a tight grip on finance while studying is essential, if you are to finish your course with your personal finance under control.

Student room insurance is therefore often overlooked as a non-essential cost. This can be a big mistake.

On arrival at university the majority of students will move into halls of residence. In recent years the standard of security in these halls has increased. However students still face a risk to their belongings being stolen. The lifestyle of a student hall means that early in the term it is easy for a stranger to access the halls and mingle with other students. As everyone is a stranger, one extra goes unoticed.

Many universities now include insurance as a standard package with the room. This rarely covers laptops outside of the room however and students should investigate closely to see if extra cover is required.

In shared accommodation the risks are much higher. By nature of what it is, student accommodation tends to be in the higher crime areas of town. Thieves know which roads and areas contain large numbers of students. These homes are likely to include several laptops Ipods and other portable high value items. Home office research shows that 1 in 4 students are a victim of crime while at university.

Room insurance can be arranged on your parents policy. However many of these policies do not provide cover for 'non forcible and violent entry'. While this sounds like a smallclause, it means that unless someone has physically broken into the property then your items are not insured. Over a third of student thefts do not follow a break in of this type.

Specialist student possessions insurance providers can cover your belongings in halls of residence or shared homes for less than £30.

Tim Larden has worked within insurance for almost a decade and is currently employed with Endsleigh Insurance. Endsleigh provide special insurance policies for students and graduates and have been doing so for 40 years.

Student Insurance is one of the specialties of the Endsleigh website. The company is supported and endorsed by the national union of students

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