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A Life Insurance Quote Became Reality


Life insurance quote

Thank goodness John took his life insurance quote seriously. It didn't prevent our daughters from wishing he were still here but thanks to his foresight they and I still have the things he worked for because he turned that life insurance quote into a policy before his untimely death.

Byron, my wonderful husband died at age 33 leaving myself and our two daughters behind. Six months prior he felt a tingling in his arms and it was discovered that Bryon had a terminable brain tumor. I am now raising our (2) daughters on my own as a single parent. How I miss our sweetheart.

Fortunately, when Byron and I were married he made arrangements for such a possibility as he was a caring and considerate man. Being able to invest a portion of the proceeds into a clothing store I owned allows me more time to spend with our daughters and attending to their needs. Because of his foresightedness we have financial stability, security and much peace of mind.

Without his pre-planning and preparation it's terrifying to imagine where the girls and I would be today. The plans for the future to a certain measure are still in tact. While we grieve our loss the void will never be filled but our thoughts of John brings great warmth to our hearts.

John was a father and husband who unselfishly thought enough of us and our future to make the decision to turn a life insurance quote into reality for the living. We can't thank John enough.

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