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Insurance Claim Handling Online - Tpa Adjuster System


Claims management and administration software systems enable insurance claims adjusters, supervisors, and managers to process incidents and administer claims more efficiently and at a lower cost than traditional paper file and transport methods. Some areas that are made more efficient, thus lowering costs, are otherwise insufficient tracking and handling of medical provider billing (especially with medical bill repricing) and proper compensation scheduling. For larger claim adjuster organizations, tying claims data across multiple locations is a must. A complete claims management system will address these issues and more.

Claims Management System by Quick Internet Software Solutions (QISS), a comprehensive CMS, is a leading claims management software system that reduces cost and work and is Web-based to facilitate cross-location claims administration. For all claim types, medical bills are entered either via online screens by in-house repricing professionals, or they are digitally imported over the Web from third party repricing firms via electronic data interchange (EDI).

This data is then available for explanations of review, federal and state government forms, and check printing. Compensation payments are either manually cut or scheduled to ensure timely imbursement right from within the system. Home-screen diaries maintain notes for personnel working a claim and customizable, real-time reporting capabilities including Claim Loss Runs and summaries are two standard features in this claim manager. Going a step beyond, in the application service provider (ASP) model, QISS houses and maintains all claim system server hardware and software freeing the adjuster firm from IT firm concerns and ensuring that the latest security protections are taken. Because this insurance software is completely Internet-based, all the adjusters, underwriters, or clients need to use it is a free Web browser already on most computers.

For information, visit or call 713-682-3200.

About The Author

Bronius is a lead developer and SEO for Quick Internet Software Solutions; he oversees and maintains web site design and web presence. Bronius earned his BS (Computer Science) degree in 2000 and has been with the insurance software company since.

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