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Auto Insurance For Young Drivers


The biggest worry of most parents today is their children growing up and beginning to drive. They dread having to add them to their auto insurance policy because of the increase in premium. Unfortunately, all children grow up and when they start driving this has to be done. There are several reasons why insurance for young drivers is so high.

The first reason that premiums are high for young drivers is their lack of driving experience. You will need to have, at the least, over three years driving to be quoted a lower rate.

Next is their age itself.. If they are under the age of 25 the rate will mostly likely be fairly high. Normally a single male driver rates higher than a single female. This is because males are rated as a higher risk to insurance companies.

A young driver feels a sense of independence when they begin to drive. It is actually the beginning of responsibility. It is important as a parent to encourage your young driver to have confidence when driving to avoid any fear they might have on the road, to prevent any accidents.

At their age any accident, ticket or a suspension may double or triple an auto insurance premium. As adults, when we have any infraction on our driving record it increases our premium and it hurts our pocket, just imagine being a young driver. Paying for their premiums may help young drivers learn the importance of taking care of what they have and what it means to have special privileges such as driving a car. We must encourage them to realize how car insurance is important and how they must carry the proper types of coverage on the car.

When it is time for our teenagers to get a vehicle we must go with them to pick out a vehicle that best suits their budget. We must explain that a regular sedan or simple vehicle is cheaper in price for insurance then a sports vehicle or sports utility vehicle. As a parent we should have the last decision-making on which vehicle they should purchase at the beginning and explain to them how important it is to obey the laws of driving.

The most important thing is to instill in our young drivers is the importance of keeping their motor vehicle record clean so they are not paying outrageous premiums. It is important to drive safely, not only for them but for everyone else on the road as well. We might be driving carefully but perhaps the person in the other vehicle does not have the same mentality. We must encourage them to keep their eyes on the road and not to get distracted by anything else.

Keep in mind that we were young once. It is exciting for them to feel that sense of independence behind the wheel. So my word of advise to young drivers is, keep your chin up and eyes focused to keep your pocket full.

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Belinda Ramos is a representative of You can visit at or contact them at 1-877-327-8728.'s online insurance marketplace gives an opportunity to consumers and to insurance companies. We offer the ability to shop for car insurance online.

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