
Insurance - All The Information You Need On Insurance

Types Of Homeowner Insurance


There are 6 different types of homeowners insurance in general that are consistently utilized. Of these HO-3 is the most usual policy then it is followed by HO-4 and HO-6. Others less used, but still important, are HO-1, HO-2 and HO-5. Everyone is described below:


A limited policy that offers varied degrees of coverage but includes items that are specifically included in the policy. These may be used to include a valuable object in the home, such a painting or certain types of jewelry.


Similar to HO-1, HO-2 is a limited policy in that it will cover only specific portions of a home against damage. The coverage is ordinarily a "named perils" policy, which lists the cases that would be covered. As above, these factors must be spelled come in the policy.


This policy is the most common one written for a owner and is designed to cover all aspects of the home, its structure and it contents. Also includes any liability that will arise from daily living. This includes visitors in the home that might encounter an accident or even injury on the premises. Covered aspects of liability must be clearly spelled out in the policy to insure proper coverage. The coverage is ordinarily called "all risk".


This is unremarkably referred to as renter's insurance. Similar to HO-6, this policy covers those aspects of the living accommodations and its contents not specifically covered in the blanket policy written for the renter's complex. This policy can, as well, cover liabilities arising from accidents and injuries for guests and passers-by up to 150' of the renter's complex.

Extremely low in cost and high in coverage, this is an extremely recommended policy for anyone renting an apartment


This policy, similar to HO-3, covers a home (not a dwelling or even apartment), the owner and its possessions. Liability that might arise from visitors or even passers-by. This coverage is differentiated therein it covers a wider scope and depth of incidents and losses than AN HO-3.


As a form of supplemental homeowner's insurance, HO-6, a.k.a. a Condominium Coverage, is designed especially for the owners of condos. It includes coverage for the share of the building closely-held per insured and for the property housed in that of the insured.

Designed to span the gap between what the homeowner's association can cover in a blanket policy written for associate entire neighborhood and those things of importance to the insured. Occasionally the HO-6 covers liability for residents and guests on their private property. The liability coverage, contingent to the underwriter, premium paid, and more factors of the policy, can cover incidents up to 150' from the insured property, all valuables in the home from theft, fire or even water damage or even more forms of loss.

It's significant to read the Associations By-laws to determine the aggregate amount of insurance needful on your lodging.

Extremely low in cost and high in coverage, this is a extremely recommend policy for anyone owning a condo.

Copyright 2005

Fern Kuhn, RNSpecializing in Diabetes

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