
Insurance - All The Information You Need On Insurance

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Personalisation, Digitalisation, Mobilisation, these 3 words represent your life today. Here in the 21st century our lives have become more and more reliant on mobile items. As we go through our days, keeping a mental log of everything we have and where we have it becomes more and more difficult. It is inevitable that some things get lost. In fact as stated in a recent research "Around 62,000 mobile phones were left in London taxis during the last six months. That's an average three phones per taxi, according to a survey of licensed London cabbies by the Taxi Newspaper and Pointsec Mobile Technologies. Absent minded and drunken travellers also forgot 4,000 laptops and 5,000 PDA's when exiting cabs".

Lost and found company, Want it Bak boast that they can give you an 80% chance of recovery. The service is based around the belief that most people are actually honest and will do the right thing if a method is offered to them. This feel good factor is enhanced by the added incentive of a reward for doing the right thing.

How does Want it Bak work? Simple. You purchase a range of security tags each with their own unique id number. You register them with Want it Bak and that's it. If you ever lose the item and someone finds it they contact Want it Bak directly using their website or their 0800 number and they arrange a courier to pick it up and return it to the owner for a small admin charge.

The "Finders" themselves are offered a basic reward of £10 gift pack of Want it Bak Labels. Additionally the finders may also receive gift vouchers, shop discounts, trial packs and much more. Customers may also offer an optional CASH reward to Finders as a thank you to the person for taking the time to contact Want it Bak.

Like most things these days there are no guarantees of course, but just the knowledge that for a small price you can have an additional type of insurance that works when you need it to and at least have some chance of getting back your valuables or data.

Chris Cameron

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Are You Sure That Heirloom Oriental Rug From Your Aunt Hilda Is Really Insured?
Gone are the days of the cinder block and wood plank bookcases. You've come along way from that old reliable jut rug and CDs (or in some cases, actual vinyl albums) stored in milk crates. That's the way it is with first apartments, and sometimes second and third apartments too. It's what you were able to afford when you first set out own your own. And it was fun, sort of. But today's a new day, and you've paid your dues and then some. You're the king or queen of your own castle, a castle as well-appointed as any luxury model home, with beautiful area rugs, antique furnishings, and other treasurers that you'd hate ever to see lost.Because your home, and to a certain extent the items in that furnish it, will most like...(related: Insurance)

We Dont Need Another Broker: How To Get The Best Liability Insurance Rates Available
Some business relationships are forged through blood and friendship. When you work for a company whose owner has a brother, sister, or best f...(related: Insurance)

Self Employed Health Insurance - Tips For Getting Cheap Health Insurance When Youre Self Employed
If you're self-employed and facing high health insurance bills, there are a number of things you can do to make your health insurance premiums cheaper once you find a good health insurance plan. Some involve opting out of certain coverage, others mean increasing the amount you'll pay out of pocket for expenses. There are also discount health plans that you can join which will offer you ...(related: Insurance)

Outside Pressures On The Typical Insurance Adjuster
Insurance adjusters are not without outside pressures they must deal with every day of their work life. It would be advantageous for all readers to be aware of the most important of these because they could put money in your bank.The first of these is your State Department Of Insurance. Every state has a Department, or Commissioner, or Bureau of Insurance that overseas the...(related: Insurance)

Terrorism Insurance - What It Costs Small Business
The Terrorism Insurance Act of Nov. 26, 2002. This helps businesses who must have insurance from being denied, which would kill those businesses. Our General Liability Insurance Numbers have jumped about $100-300 depending on the market area. But if you consider that there have been no terrorist attacks since 9-11 this is high. For instance you are 500 times more likely to incur hail damage in Colorado than you are to get car jacked by a terrorist if you are driving a fuel truck. The trucker...(related: Insurance)

Business Insurance ? And What You Need To Know
Getting your business up and running is exciting, challengingand hard work. You're finally making money ? and you are thedriving force that is making your business grow. But have...(related: Insurance)

Cure The Insurance Blues By Lowering The Cost Of Your Premiums
Does the current amount that you pay on your insurance premiums keep you awake at night? If so you're not alone. In today's fast paced society many people are looking for ways to save money unfortunately this can lead to scrimping and watching where you spend every penny you make. Not only is this difficult it can also be a real pain in the neck and lets face it ? what's so fun about not spending money you worked hard to get in the first place.Fortunately there is an easy way to save a few extra dollars every month by checking to see if you're overpaying on any of your insurance premiums. This could be your auto insurance, life insurance, home insurance or renters insurance. The reality is you can save on almost every form of insurance you have....(related: Insurance)

What Is Life Insurance?
Life Insurance is an insurance policy that provides an agreed amount of cover over an agreed term, so that should you die during the policy term, a lump sum is paid out. Life insurance is co...(related: Insurance)

Eleven Money-saving Auto Insurance Tips For Senior Drivers
Following a few simple tips and taking these measures will ensure that you are getting the lowest rates possible on your auto insurance policy.1. Avoid more Accidents, Pay Close Attention at Intersections. Auto accidents involving seniors often occur at intersections. Make sure to look ahead if you plan to quickly change lanes after an intersection. Pay attention to protected left turn lanes with their own arrows, and always keep your tires pointed straight ahead when stopped, so that a rear-end accident doesn't push you into oncoming traffic.2. Follow the flow of traffic, Drive at the at or near the speed limit. Driving too slowly can be just as dangerous as speeding, especially when entering or exiting interstates or freeways. It can also trigger dangerous "road rage" in less pat...(related: Insurance)

Inside-information Regarding Your Motor Vehicle Accident Insurance Claim
Here's some "Inside-Info" you must know so you won't be taken advantage of on your motor vehicle accident insurance claim and also: SO YOU CAN COLLECT EVERY DOLLAR THAT'S OWED TO YOU !The following 8 are just "The Tip Of The Iceberg":#1. There are situations where you can collect for your "Lost Wages" even if you were paid by your employer and/or collected "Sick Leave" while unable to work.#2. You can collect money and be reimbursed for any and all "Over The Counter" (non-prescription) medication you purchased during your recovery.#3. Under normal circumstances unless a claim ends up in court (several years after impact has taken place and you are fully recovered) you do not have to agree to be examined by the insurance company's doctor.#4. There are many times t...(related: Insurance)


Cheap Auto Insurance Quotes ? Tips For Getting The Lowest Rate
Finding auto insurance quotes online is easy, but finding the cheapest auto insurance rates can be more of a challenge. To get the lowest quotes, follow these tips to help you find ways to trim possibly hundreds off your auto insurance quotes.1. Give them details ? If you don't provide information about your zip code, marital status, car's safety features, and annual commuting miles, by default insurance ...(related: Insurance)

What Is Car Insurance?
Car Insurance is compulsory in the UK. You are required by law to have a policy to cover your liability to other road users.The Road Traffic Act requires all motorists to be insured against their liability for injuries to others (including passengers) and for damage to other people's property resulting from use of a vehicle on a road or other public place. It is an offence to drive your car or allow others to drive it without insurance.Owning and driving a car means taking on many risks to yourself and others. When a traffic accident happens, damage, injuries, loss or all of these factors may be inflicted upon you and others. Damage and loss of your property may also occur. Fire, theft, vandalism and natural disasters are other possible risks.Car Insurance protects motorists and drivers ag...(related: Insurance)

Long-term Care Insurance: Eldercare Solution
When I suddenly had to become a fulltime caregiver to my elderly parents, both with health problems and starting to develop deme...(related: Insurance)

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