
Insurance - All The Information You Need On Insurance

Affordable Life Insurance!


So, you've decided to purchase life insurance. Well then, you have made a good decision! If you have dependents, you know that you must provide for them long after you are gone. Buying life insurance shouldn't be a budget buster either. Take a look at the following options which can help you save big time!

Shop Online: There are several companies that will give you free life insurance quotes right online. By entering your personal information, the amount of insurance coverage desired, and policy terms, you will receive within moments sufficient quote information. Naturally, you will want to talk to an agent at some point, but at least you will get a very good ballpark figure to consider. Some good sites for you to visit include:;;,; and There are many others, so do some comparison shopping.

Types of Life Insurance: There are four types of life insurance plans from which you can choose: Term Life, Whole Life, Universal Life, and Variable Universal Life.

Term Life is the most affordable as it lets you lock in a fixed rate for the length of the policy [typically 10 or 20 years], but it does not have any cash accumulation. So, the only way it pays is if you die!

Whole Life offers policy holders lifetime coverage, guaranteed level premiums, tax-deferred accumulation of cash values. In other words you can borrow off the policy if you need the cash.

Universal Life offers policy holders Lifetime coverage, flexible premiums and death benefits, tax-deferred accumulation of cash values. Rates are adjustable.

Variable Universal Life offers lifetime coverage, flexible premiums and death benefits, tax-deferred accumulation of cash values, a selection of investment options. Rates are adjustable.

Contact an Agent: Once you have determined which type of insurance is best for you and your family, contact an agent for further guidance. If you received an acceptable life insurance quote online, follow through with it to allow an agent to contact you personally. This person will go over your policy and discuss with you the various types of companies offering coverage. If you are satisfied and want to proceed further, the agent will order a comprehensive medical exam that can be done in the convenience of your home or office at no charge to you! About four to six weeks later the results will be in and if all goes well, coverage will begin almost immediately thereafter. At no point are you obligated to accept coverage until you sign a contract.

More Savings: Do you want to save even more money? Pay the premium all at once. Monthly or quarterly payments usually carry a surcharge. By paying the entire premium in advance you can save around 5%.

Providing for family members after your death is one of the most important reasons to include life insurance as part of your financial planning. You can receive your free life insurance quote by shopping online today; don't delay!

(c)2005; Matthew C Keegan, LLC

Matt Keegan is The Article Writer who writes on a variety of topics including aviation, business, customer service, product review, sales, and more. Visit for additional samples of his work.

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