7 Sure-fire Ways Of Reducing Your Home Insurance Premium
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Home security improvement:
All insurance companies will happily offer you a discount for burglar alarms and smoke detectors. Homes with fire and burglar alarms that communicate with a third party monitoring company receive a higher discount on their insurance premiums.
When possible, choose a higher deductible:
To reduce your premium, it is best advised to increase the deductible to the extent you can afford. Your home insurance premium will fall by as much as 20% if you increase the deductible from $200 to $1000.
Multiple insurance ? Same provider:
If you consolidate your home insurance and auto insurance with one insurance company, expect a premium reduction between 10 ? 15%. This also means you are making one payment for all your insurance needs. Consolidate and win.
Discount for non-smokers:
Some home insurance companies will offer a non-smoker discount to the tune of 15%. Check with your insurance company if they offer a non-smokers discount.
How far is the fire station?
If you live more than 5 miles from the nearest fire station and more than 1,000 feet from a fire hydrant, you can expect a higher premium. Also if you live in the country, you will probably pay higher insurance rate than if you were living in the city.
Type of construction:
The construction type of your home also plays an important role in determining your insurance premium. A wood frame home will cost more to insure than the one built mostly of concrete.
Claims free record and renewal discounts:
If you have not had a claim under your current home owners policy for the past 3-5 years, you will get a 15% discount on your premium. Expect additional discount if your policy has been in force with the same insurance company for 3 years or more.
I am hopeful you have gained preliminary knowledge on the subject of home insurance premiums. With these helpful tips you will be able to understand and demand discounts on your home insurance premiums. Good Luck!
Copyrights 2005 - Bill A Smith is an insurance agent and insurance advisor for Sunshine home and auto insurance services. Bill has over 10 years of experience in providing insurance services to clients.
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