Motor Insurance With Pass Plus
Is pass plus really worth it? What motor insurance discounts are available to people who have passed the course? Is it easy?
In the UK, pass plus is run by the driving standards agency who administer the course. Pass plus was set up by the DSA in conjunction with isnurance companies who wanted to reward young drivers who took a responsible attitude towards tehir safety on the road.
The course consists of six varied one hour lessons. You can only take the course once you have passed your driving test. Your driving instructor has to be recognised to be able to instruct on the course.
The process is that you take six lessons. Each lesson is designed to educate newly qualified drivers in safe driving techniques. The lessons concentrate on areas such as night driving, motorway driving and driving in poor conditions.
Once you have completed the six lessons, your driving instructor will send off your documentation and then you will be issued with a certificate.
This is your proof that you have passed the course and it allows you a significant discount with UK motor insurance companies. uses a panel of insurance companies the most generous of these towards pass plus will allow you up to 20% off for pass plus.
Tim larden is an author for your motor insurance who specialise in Motor Insurance for Young Drivers and have special policies for first time drivers and pass plus qualified motorists.
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