How To Match The Right Insurance Policy To The 4 Stages Of Life
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As we go through life our needs change. A Young man or women with a family has very different insurance needs then the Empty Nester. Here is a guide to help you determine what type of insurance best matches your need based on the 4 Stages of life
Stage 1
While traveling the great state of Missouri one of the biggest objections I hear is why do I need life insurance. I'm young, single and healthy. That is the best time to buy life insurance. The younger you are and the healthier you are the cheaper life insurance is.
When you are still young and single you may not really need life insurance but that is the best time to buy it. A small whole life policy of 50,000 or maybe 100,000 is really is good investment for a young person. As long as you keep this policy in force no matter how old you get. No matter what happens to your health you will always have insurance.
Stage 2
You get married buy your first house and have a few children. At this point in your life you need enough insurance to pay off the mortgage if something happens to you and of course you would want to make sure there is enough money for your young growing family . Don't forget those college expenses A Term Policy or universal life policy are what you should be looking into during this stage.
Stage 3
A friend of mine says life begins when the dog dies and the kids graduate college. Your Home is paid off or nearly paid off. Your children are all on their on and no longer count on you for support. Your concern now is to have enough money for retirement. Your Life insurance needs aren't that great that 50,000 Life policy you got when you were in stage 1 might be all you need. Annuities, Universal Life and long term care are areas of insurance to look into during this pahse of your life.
Stage 4
The Golden Years. You want to make sure you don't outlive your retirement savings. You also want to protect the assets you have. Annuities and Long Term Care and Medicare Supplement would be your 3 main areas of concern during this satge of your life.
About the Author
Mike Makler Offers Financial Services (Mortgages,Life Insurance, Annuity) in Florissant Missouri which is in North St. Louis County Missouri Just Across the Bridge from St. Charles Missouri
Call Mike at 314 398-5547
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Copyright © 2005-2006 Mike Makler
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