Group Term Life Insurance And The Options Available
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Group term life insurance is more affordable than individual life insurance policies because the costs to the insurer are lower. They have less paperwork to handle, and are guaranteed multiple accounts from one sale - which is their incentive for offering this type of policy.
A group term life insurance policy offers life insurance coverage to all the employees of a particular organization, or to any other group of people that apply for it. It covers the unexpected death of an employee, and group term life insurance benefits are usually calculated based on the employee's lost income wages.
Offering group term life insurance is much more affordable for a company than offering individual life insurance policies for each employee. Considering how important it is to offer competitive benefits in order to attract the best employees, group term life insurance is a great option for both employer and employee alike.
Many group term life insurance plans can also be converted into individual policies if an employee leaves the company, which is an attractive flexibility option. Insurance premiums are even tax-deductible, which makes group term life insurance even more attractive to any employer.
Additionally, most group term life insurance policies don't require individual physical examinations for the employees covered, so employees who may not be able to obtain a competitive life insurance policy on their own can still be covered under group term life insurance. This alone can attract employees to your company over another, whether group term life insurance may not be offered and it's up to individuals to pay their own premiums.
Group term life insurance is a great benefit to provide to employees and is much cheaper than a comparable number of individual life insurance policies. With no medical exam requirements and full payout, it is a great choice for any group of individuals.
Brad Triggs provides more information and
free insurance quotes at his website: - Group Term Life Insurance
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