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Auto Insurance In Texas


If you are looking for auto insurance in texas, you might want to check out golden rule insurance company who offers cheap auto insurance online. Of course there are plenty of other companies that also offer affordable rates, but first you should understand Texas auto insurance requirements.

Texas is a tort state, which means that the driver is financially responsible for any damage and injury they cause in an accident. Purchasing Texas Auto Insurance will fulfill this legal requirement.

Texas auto liability minimums are 20/40/15 which translates to $20,000 per person for injuries you cause to the other party to a total of $40,000 for all claims and up to $15,000 for damage you cause another persons property. These are the minimum requirements and it is recommended that you carry much higher levels of liability insurance.

In addition to required liability coverage, Texas drivers may choose to purchase coverage for some "first party benefits". These include compensation for medical expenses, loss of income, and loss of services. These benefits apply to every accident regardless of fault.

Uninsured and underinsured motorist policies also cover your expenses, but these apply in the event that you are struck by a driver with inadequate liability insurance. These policies are not required, but they're relatively inexpensive, and can provide a lot of protection.

Texas auto insurance companies will also offer optional policies such as collision and comprehensive coverages. Be warned the mandatory requirements are way too low for the average cost of serious injuries and financial loss from an automobile accident. All insurance agents recommend you purchase much higher levels of liability insurance.

Auto insurance companies also offer optional coverage such as medical payments, collision, comprehensive, and uninsured and underinsured motorist's bodily injury coverage.

How your insurance rates are set in Texas is different than many other states. The rates are determined by the behavior and accident rates of all Texasn drivers. The cost of insuring Texas drivers' including settlements and legal fees is totaled for the entire state and divide it up between everyone.

Of course these costs are not spread around evenly. The percentage of these costs that you are going to pay is determined by things like your driving record, your age, where you live, and the kind of car you drive.

Not all insurance companies compute their figures the same way so a driver with the same profile can land up with different rates depending on the insurance company. That's why it is so important to get several quotes before purchasing insurance.

As mentioned previously liability is the most important element of your entire insurance policy. Make sure you purchase adequate liability insurance to protect your assets, because within a split second, the time it takes for an accident to occur, your life could be left in financial ruin if you are not adequately covered.

There are also other coverages you can buy such as collision, comprehensive, rental, and even towing and road side assistance. You will need to determine what your personal needs are.

When comparing insurance make sure you compare equal policies. Make sure the deductibles are the same, that the exemptions or fine print reads the same and that the liability is for the same amount. It is important to compare policies of equal quality to make sure your cheapest quote truly is your cheapest quote.

In less than a half hour you can have all the quotes you need and be on your way to buying cheap Texas auto insurance. Why waste time? Get busy!

Sher from The Auto Insurance Center has been serving customers for over 20 years. Please visit us at

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