Who Sets Auto Insurance Rates?
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Auto Insurance rates are a complicated business. Have you ever wondered who sets your auto insurance rates and how the rates are actually derived?
Many factors determine how much you will pay. Most of these are common sense and you probably already know but let's go over them just in case.
The very first thing that occurs is that the insurance company determines all its costs for the previous year. This includes all claims, the cost of operations, and what ever costs they incur. They then take those costs and divide them among all the drivers insured with them. This sets a base line for them but it doesn't mean that's what you will pay.
Your driving record plays a major role in how much your premiums will be and whether you earn a discount. The better your driving record the lower your total cost to insure your auto is going to be. Your driving record includes auto accidents and speeding tickets. If you haven't insured a vehicle for a few years they will also penalize you. This sounds crazy but it's because they have no way of following up on your driving habits so they consider you a bad risk.
What coverage you purchase will be reflected on your premiums. Deductibles are a good way to save money. Check with your insurance company and find out what effect raising and lowering your deductibles does to your policy. Remember to never take a deductible that is more than you are willing or able to pay in the event of a claim. Your insurance company will not divvy up their share until you do.
Age is also a determining factor. Studies have shown that younger drivers are involved in more accidents then older drivers. Some of this is due to their lack of experience. Most insurance companies charge you more until you reach the age of 25. Although some will offer some discounting for every year you drive accident free and without driving infractions.
The type of vehicle you drive and how far you drive affect your rates. That fabulous sports car you've been eyeing could cost you a bundle. You should check rates on any vehicle before you purchase to make sure you are willing to pay the rates. Some cars get better discounts than others because they more safety devices such as anti theft immobilizers. Some cars also rate list because thieves don't like them and so they don't steel them.
Your insurance company also charges you more if you drive lots. The less you drive the cheaper your premiums will be. Most insurance companies use an average of 10,000 miles in a year. If you exceed this you can expect your premiums to go up.
Where you live also affects your rates. Big city drivers will pay a lot more than some one lives in a rural area or small village. That's because cities have more thefts, more accidents, and more trouble over all.
Follow this information to help save on premiums. Don't forget to shop on line. Rates can vary dramatically from one company to another. With a few clicks of the mouse you can have several quotes and get low cost insurance.
Sher from The Auto Insurance Center has been serving customers for over 20 years. To find out how to save on your auto insurance Please visit us at http://www.all-auto-insurance.com/
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