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Term Life - Who Needs It?


If you've read any of the books or articles by popular personal finance gurus you've probably heard of the affordable life insurance alternative called Term life. Term life insurance Quotations are recommended by many popular personal finance gurus and can be a good choice for:

· Young families or those on a limited budget, yet still need a large amount of life insurance.

Are there family members who depend on your income and would be placed in financial crisis if you died suddenly? If so, term life might be an excellent option to protect those you care about most.

· If you have large debts that you'll eventually pay off, such as your home mortgage or auto loan.

Since younger people are less of an insurance risk, term life saves you money when you're young and gets more expensive as you grow older. Term life's rates increase as you grow older and pose a greater risk to the insurance company. Term rates assume you'll have less debt and become self-insured through personal savings and other investments as you get older.

· If you're a business owner and want to cover your employee's for a specific time period.

Premiums for term life insurance quotations are lowest when you're young and gradually increase as you get older. Many term life insurance companies require a medical exam when you renew your policy. Before you decide on a company to buy term insurance, it's a good idea to find out what the requirements are and whether you can convert to a permanant life insurance policy later on.

If you think your insurance and financial needs may change down the road, you may also want to check into "convertible" term policies. Convertible policies allow you to convert to permanent insurance without a medical examination in exchange for higher premiums.

To learn more about term life insurance quotations go to

Bruce Nolan strives to help consumers understand their insurance options and is currently a contributing writer for

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