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Finding Health Insurance For Self-employed Individuals: A Guide For The Freelance Newbie


With a rise in those looking to venture out on their own in the business world, health insurance for self-employed workers is a priority. At first glance, obtaining health insurance for self-employed individuals may seem difficult and quite overwhelming. However, with research and education, finding the right policy can be done with ease.

Self-employed insurance is for those who own a private business, or for freelancers such as writers, designers, artists, etc., who work on their own. Before purchasing a plan, it is advisable to learn as much about the specific policy, paying particular attention to the needs of the self-employed worker. Examine several quotes before actually purchasing the insurance. It is essential to know what the policy will cover, and what it won't. It is recommended not to buy policies that exclude pre-existing conditions, for some plans have ongoing care for chronic diseases and conditions.

Although most self-employed health insurance plans provide basic medical coverage, every person requires something different when it comes to their health. A few essential things covered are: physical exams, hospital and emergency care, prescription medication, vision and dental care. Some self-employment health insurance plans can also offer some extra benefits. These may include: drug and alcohol abuse counseling, physical therapy, hospice care, and alternative health practices such as acupuncture.

While individual insurance usually is more expensive to obtain, there are ways to cut down on the cost. One way, is to pay your premium annually. By doing this, there is no service fees, and discounts may also be available. Another option is transferring to a higher deductible. A larger deductible equals a considerable reduction in premiums. And a third option? Think about enrolling in a group plan. Look into joining a small-business association or trade group. However, make sure that the current plan fits your own needs before becoming a part of the existing group.

Timothy Gorman is a successful webmaster and publisher of He provides more insurance information and offers discount health insurance, auto, life and home insurance that you can research in your pajamas on his website.

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