Business Insurance; Information You Will Need
When you start a small business you will need to have insurance. You would be wise to shop around. Triple A rated carriers like Farmers Insurance, State Farm and All State are definitely places to get quotes from, but also be sure to check out your local independent insurance agents as well. When shopping for a quote there is some things you will need to know. For instance you SIC code and business category. If you are involved in more than one, it pays to look at both SIC codes to see which category is preferred by the agents underwriters. Some SIC codes many insurance companies will not even touch. For instance Car Washes, Amusement Parks, Aviation Businesses and security companies. But there are insurance companies who specialize in these areas. Perhaps you might wish to thumb through a recent trade journal to see which insurance companies are actively seeking clients in those categories. You will be glad you did; also do not forget to check online as well.
You will also need other data when shopping for quotes; you will be asked such things as: Address of Business Office; are you running your business out of a home or commercial location. If it is a commercial office; what is the square feet of business location, customer area. What is the age of the building; is it made of masonry or frame construction? How many floors? What types of business tenants occupy or share the building? The main concern of the underwriter's in some businesses is; where the supplies are stored? Especially if chemicals are used in your business. If you are a mobile service; are the chemicals stored on a vehicle? Where is the vehicle parked.
Insurance agents will also ask you how many years have you been in business? How much experience do you have; what are your projected and current gross annual receipts? How many full time and part time employees do you have? If you have mobile service vehicles you will need the full name, social security number and drivers license number for all employees who will be driving the vehicles. The more current our files, the happier the underwriters and the more information you bring with you when shopping for quotes the happier the agent. Happiness equates to a better deal, more shopping on the agents part and better relationships will all the parties concerned. Think on this when shopping for Business Insurance.
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5 Steps To Cheap Car Insurance Premiums
Although car insurance is compulsory, it's not necessary to pay more than you have to. A few simple steps combined with some time surfing for competitive car insurance rates really can save you hundreds.Step 1 - Cut the Insurer's RiskThe easiest way to cut your...(related: Insurance)
Travel Insurance Pre-existing Conditions Coverage - How It Works
What is a Pre-Existing Medical Condition?When a trip cancellation travel insurance company refers to a "Pre-Existing Condition", they are talking about medical conditions that exist in the Lookback Period that immediately preceeds the travel insurance purchase date.Simply put, a Pre-Existing Condition is any medically documented condition (no matt...(related: Insurance)
Apply Online For Temporary Health Insurance
There are times when you'll find yourself temporarily without health insurance. You may be between jobs, just starting a new...(related: Insurance)
Cheap Health Insurance - Health Insurance For The Self Employed
If you're self employed, you may think of health insurance as a luxury. When you're barely making ends meet, paying several hundred dollars a month for something you may not need isn't a priority. Or maybe you can't find a health insurance company to insure you because of a pre-existing condition. If you have no health insurance, you're banking on the hope that you won't get sick. But if you do, your business suffers.If you can't get individual health insurance, or if the premiums are out of reach for an individual policy, there are a number of ways to get cheap and discount health insurance and health care.Look Into State...(related: Insurance)
Term Life Insurance Help
Life insurance can be a very scary thing. If you buy insurance when you're 30, but don't die until you're 90, chances are you're going to come out on the loosing end of insurance. ...(related: Insurance)
Risk Retention Groups Rrg
In response to a hard insurance market in the mid 1908's, Congress passed the Liability Risk Retention Act of 1986. The legislation was intended to simplify the regulatory process for affinity groups such as doctors, real estate developers etc, who wanted to find an alternative to the and unavailability high cost of certain types of insurance coverage. The Act created two new legal statuses: Risk Purchasing Groups and Risk Retention Groups.Risk Purchasing Groups are simply groups (individuals or companies) that want to join together to buy insurance at group rates. The Act prohibits states from placing certain restriction on these groups.Risk Retention Groups (RRG) are insurance companies formed by an affinity group that enjoy ...(related: Insurance)
Guide To Life Insurance
Here is a useful guide to life insurance. Simply put, a life insurance policy provides a lump sum payment upon death of the policy holder.In exchange for regular premiums, a life insurance company will insure your life so that when you die, the policy should pay out to protect your dependants from the extra pain of financial hardship.This is particularly important when buying a house, or when you or your family takes on a large, long-term financial commitment. In the event of death, for example, the payment from a life insurance policy can be used to pay off a mortgage.Policies can be arranged on either a single or joint life basis. Depending on the type of policy you choose, your insurer will pay either a lump sum or a regular income which you could use t...(related: Insurance)
An Intro To Auto Insurance
Although premiums, policies and prices vary widely, the mandate does not. Automobile insurance is an unavoidable expense of driving. Ideally, you will never have use for your auto insurance. In the event that you do; however, you will considerably improve your satisfaction with the claims process by doing thorough research before policy inception.Begin with an understanding of auto insurance terms:? Bodily injury (also called liability)This coverage offsets costs related to the bodily harm and property damage of the other driver(s) when you are at fault in an accident. Insurance companies impose limits on the amounts that they will pay to the victim(s), and for each accident. Your premium amount ...(related: Insurance)
Discount Auto Insurance - Get Low Rates And Superior Coverage
Auto insurance rates can be quite expensive. If you are in shopping for auto insurance or just comparing rates between your current insurer and competing insurance companies, you may want to look at the rates offered by discount auto insurance providers. Discount auto insurance companies offer superior coverage at prices that could be significantly lower than your current insurance rates.Most states require auto insurance. While the requirements in each state may vary, even purchas...(related: Insurance)
Disability Insurance For The Long Term
Disability insurance covers you for an extended period of time. Should you be injured or take ill and as a result be unable...(related: Insurance)
Why Boat Insurance Is A Necessity
Boat insurance is necessary for all boat owners who live on or really value their boats. If it is something that you feel you must replace then you need to insure it. If you live on your boat it is absolutely necessary that it be insured. Who would want to lose their home?Also most boats are financed in the beginning. The lending company will insist on insurance in those cases just as they would with a house or a car. This is not unreasonable; they have as much to lose in the financial sense as you do if anything happens to the boat.Some areas are more dangerous than others for boaters. While some of those areas are famous or infamous 'the Bermuda T...(related: Insurance)
Cheap Insurance - Ten Ways
Cheap insurance? Auto insurance, life insurance, health insurance, liability insurance - whatever type of insurance you need, you can buy it for less. Try the following:1. Raise you deductible. Why have a $100 deductible if a $1000 deductible won't break you? It may hurt to pay the first thousand someday, but what if meanwhile you saved several thousand? High deductibles mean lower rates. Of course, get quotes with various deductibles, to be sure you're saving enough for the higher risk.2. Lower your coverage. Insurance agents secretly admit that people usually get sued according to policy limits. You'll be sued for more if your limit is a million than if it's a hundred thousand. A judgement beyond the polic...(related: Insurance)
Your Personal Injury Insurance Claim: Several Crucial Insights Into Medical Reimbursements
The best judge of Total Disability and/or Partial Disability is "Ole" Doc Comfort your attending physician. The Medical Report he executes for the insurance company you're battling with, Rock Solid Insurance Corporation, should alwa...(related: Insurance)
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